REDI Word of the Month

“REDI Word of the Month” is where we explore a specific REDI concept or term in more detail. You can find our past Words of the Month below or visit our Glossary page for a comprehensive list of key concepts and terms.

Trauma-informed pedagogy 

Trauma-Informed Pedagogy 

Trauma-informed pedagogy is an approach to teaching and learning that is responsive to the diverse experiences of both individual and community trauma within academic settings.

Intergroup dialogue

Intergroup dialogue

Intergroup dialogue is a face-to-face, structured, and facilitated group experience that creates opportunities for participants to listen deeply, engage in self-reflection, and gain new perspectives on polarizing societal issues.

Universal Design

Universal Design

Universal Design (UD) calls for the removal of barriers to support everyone, not only people with disabilities. It can be applied to a variety of contexts, including learning and the workplace.

Affinity Groups

Affinity Spaces

An affinity group is a community of peers that offers support, guidance, resources, and mentorship to its members, who identify as like-minded with the group. Affinity groups are particularly valuable as they provide a sense of belonging, community, and collective empowerment to members of historically, systemically, and perpetually marginalized groups.



According to Courageous Dialogues: Moving Beyond Polarization project, “Polarization is a complex social dynamic that occurs when an issue that involves many different people, concerns and opinions is reduced to two opposing sides— ‘for or against’ or ‘us vs them.'” Learn more

Restorative Justice & Transformative Justice

Restorative Justice and Transformative Justice

Restorative and transformative justice approaches are most commonly applied in criminal justice reform, but they have also been applied to academic and healthcare institutions to help units navigate how to address differences, disagreements, conflicts, and harm. Learn more

Unconscious Biases

Unconscious Biases

Unconscious (implicit) biases are pre-judgments or mental shortcuts we make about others. We all harbor beliefs about members of various social and identity groups. Learn more

Calling in

Calling in

Calling in is an approach aimed at encouraging someone to change their problematic or harmful behavior by inviting them into a conversation with the goal of listening and building mutual understanding. Learn more



Anti-racism is the practice of identifying, challenging, preventing, eliminating and changing the values, structures, policies, programs, practices and behaviours that perpetuate racism between individuals and within systems. Anti-racism is characterized by taking action against racism; it is distinct from simply having a disposition of being “not racist.” Learn more

Bystander Effect

Bystander Effect

Also known as Bystander Apathy, is a phenomenon in which the presence of other people discourages individuals from intervening in an emergency, against a bully, during an assault, or when some other injustice is being committed. The greater the number of bystanders present in the situation, the less likely that any one of them will provide help to a person in distress, as each individual feels like they bear less responsibility for intervening. Learn more