Indigenous Speakers Series

Truth and Reconciliation: Our Plan for Change

The Indigenous Speakers Series is an original and important platform to begin, continue and advance the conversation about telling the truth and reconciling for the future. First Nations in British Columbia and Canada possess an exceptional ability to speak. This gift is unparalleled in the context of Indigenous history and origin in Canada. When we think of the great leaders of the recent past it brings forward the presence of our Ancestors. The ability to perpetuate oral histories that are anchored to the beginning of time speaks to a confidence that is simultaneously spiritual and modern. There has never been a more important time to call upon our elders, leaders, scholars, and people to speak about our individual and shared truths and to anchor compassion in reconciling for the future.

As health systems in British Columbia begin to develop, improve and implement standards of Cultural Safety and Humility, and policies to manage racism and discrimination, it is both timely and relevant to advance our individual and collective understanding about Indigenous peoples – First Nations, Métis and Inuit. The Faculty of Medicine, its distributed campuses, and its associated learning, work, social, and institutional environments must reflect our best principles of Respect, Integrity, Compassion, Collaboration, and Equity in a deliberate effort to Transform Health for Everyone – and to transform our own academic culture for all students, faculty and staff. You are welcome to join us in a spirit of integrity and understanding in this original new series


  • Coming Home: Honouring the Resiliency of All Survivors of the Indian Residential School Experience
    Join our first hybrid Indigenous Speakers Series session on September 25th, 2024 from 9:00 AM – 4:00 PM, where, we are honoured to welcome back survivors of the Indian Residential School Experience, who joined us in September 2022, and the children of survivors, who participated in September 2023. Both generations are courageous survivors of the continuing legacy of this horrific chapter in Canada’s history.

Watch Recordings of Previous Sessions from the 2022-2023 Series

Watch Recordings of Previous Sessions from the 2022-2023 Series

Watch Recordings of Previous Sessions from the 2021-2022 Series

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“The time to make things happen is now. The time to seek out our individual and shared power is now.”

Read the Message from the Indigenous Initiatives Advisor, Derek Thompson – Thlaapkiituup, here

Learn more about REDI’s Indigenous Initiatives here

Discover REDI’s Indigenous-Specific Resources here