Join us on virtually on Tuesday, June 14 from 5-7 PM for Out Loud and Proud: Supporting 2SLGBTQIA+ People in Clinical Spaces
Please join us on Tuesday, June 14 from 5-7 PM for Out Loud and Proud: Supporting 2SLGBTQIA+ People in Clinical Spaces.
Not sure what 2SLGBTQIA+ stands for? Find out and explore the differences between gender, sex, and sexuality. The workshop will combine inclusive best and promising practices with the participants’ lived experiences in clinical settings to create a generative learning experience. DoorDash gift cards for the first 50 to register!
Topic: Out Loud and Proud: Supporting 2SLGBTQIA+ People in Clinical Spaces
Date: Tuesday, June 14
Time: 5:00 – 7:00 pm PDT
Workshop facilitators:
Neila Miled brings academic expertise in anti-racism education, first-hand experience with systemically marginalized and under-represented groups, and a social justice and equity lens. Neila is responsible for providing advice, developing and delivering a collaborative, anti-racist education and skill-building program, and for implementing and sustaining strategic best practices in equity, diversity, and inclusion. In collaboration with the REDI team, she will work towards facilitating and implementing organizational change strategies to create systemic change and foster a safer, more respectful, equitable and inclusive learning and working environment.
Rachael E. Sullivan is a passionate educator in the areas of gender and sexual diversity, student leadership and Active Bystander interventions. After earning her doctorate from the Sociology Department, she taught for two years at UBC before joining the Equity & Inclusion Office in 2014. Since then, she has been involved in the Positive Space campaign, co-developing various workshops that promote equitable and inclusive approaches to teaching and learning, as well as working and living at UBC.
This workshop is for all VCH medical staff and trainees and is presented in collaboration with the Vancouver Physician Staff Association and the Richmond Hospital Physician Society.