
Share research on the praxis of REDI in medicine

Share research on the praxis of REDI in medicine

Whether you’ve published or come across valuable research on the praxis of REDI in medicine, we invite you to share it. We especially welcome submissions of research articles that explore equity, diversity, inclusion, justice, decolonization, Indigenization, or trauma-informed practices in medicine and healthcare.

Call for Applications: Faculty Lead, Anti-Oppression, Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion, Faculty Development

Call for Applications: Faculty Lead, Anti-Oppression, Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion, Faculty Development

The Faculty of Medicine at The University of British Columbia (UBC) invites applications for the position of Faculty Lead, Anti-Racism, Equity, Diversity, Inclusion (AREDI) in the Office of Faculty Development. This is a 0.10 FTE (0.5 days per week) position for a three (3) year term.

Share your content!

Submit Your Unit’s Content to the REDI Newsletter

Does your unit have a story, event, or resource that supports REDI’s commitment to equity, diversity, inclusion, justice, decolonization, or Indigenization? Is it relevant to a broad audience of faculty, staff, and learners across the Faculty of Medicine? If so, we invite you to share it for consideration in the REDI newsletter!

A Tribute to the Honourable Justice Murray Sinclair: Champion of Justice and Reconciliation

A Tribute to the Honourable Justice Murray Sinclair: Champion of Justice and Reconciliation

With deep respect and gratitude, we honour the life and legacy of the Honourable Justice Murray Sinclair, Mazina Giizhik (One Who Speaks of Pictures in the Sky), who passed away on November 4, 2024. Mazina Giizhik’s legacy extends across generations, communities, and sectors, leaving an indelible impact on Indigenous rights, justice reform, and reconciliation in Canada.

Dr. Susan Forwell (left) and Dr. Jon Breen (right) have created virtual interactive workshops to deepen our understanding of disability and inclusion.

Increasing awareness and understanding of disability in the workplace

How a new workshop developed by Dr. Jon Breen and Dr. Susan Forwell is helping to reframe disability and increase inclusion at UBC and beyond.

Deadline Extended

Faculty/Resident Development Initiatives Grant (FRDIG)

The Office of Faculty Development, in partnership with REDI, is offering up to $5,000 in funding to support projects aligned with their mandates in health professions education. Projects must focus on faculty/resident development as teachers and include elements of equity, diversity, inclusion, Indigenization, or decolonization.

Meghan MacGillivray, Manager of Indigenous Student Initiatives (left), and Donneil McNab, Manager of Black Student Initiatives.

Creating a medical program that is equitable and accessible to all

How UBC’s Indigenous and Black Student MD Admissions Pathways are transforming medical education — and health.

A hard of hearing person

New CWA Course Available: Accessible Interviewing & Accommodations

The Centre for Workplace Accessibility’s new course Accessible Interviewing & Accommodations provides guidance to hiring managers and others involved in recruitment on making interviews more accessible, and creating a welcoming, inclusive environment where all job candidates can showcase their strengths and skills.

Walking the path of reconciliation together

Walking the path of reconciliation together

UBC Medicine and the Australian National University sign historic agreement to collaborate on efforts to help improve the health and wellness of Indigenous populations.

Derek K. Thompson – Thlaapkiituup, Director of Indigenous Engagement

Centering Indigenous voices in the culture of medicine

How the Indigenous Speaker Series is helping to transform culture inside the Faculty of Medicine — and beyond.