Does your unit have a story, event, or resource that supports REDI’s commitment to equity, diversity, inclusion, justice, decolonization, or Indigenization? Is it relevant to a broad audience of faculty, staff, and learners across the Faculty of Medicine? If so, we invite you to share it for consideration in the REDI newsletter!
Submission Guidelines
Submissions are reviewed and selected based on their alignment with the REDI mandate to promote equity, diversity, inclusion, justice, decolonization, and Indigenization. They are also assessed based on their relevance to a broad audience, rather than content focused on specific departments or units, as well as available space. Newsletter space is limited; while we may not be able to include all submissions, some content may be considered for inclusion on our website.
Kindly provide a title, a short description, a link, and an image sized at 560 px by 250 px.
Deadline for submissions: First Thursday of the month.
Newsletter issue date: Typically released on the third Thursday of the month.
Note: The newsletter is on hiatus during June and July.