Indigenous-Specific Resources

Language and Land Acknowledgements

Indigenous Peoples: Language Guidelines
UBC Brand

Refreshed Land Acknowledgments at UBC Course
This is part of the Indigenous Learning Pathways (ILP) program — a joint project between CTLT Indigenous Initiatives and HR Orientations & Onboarding

The refreshed Land Acknowledgments at UBC course is an updated resource for faculty and staff to enhance their learning and their practice of offering meaningful and accountable land acknowledgments in their role at UBC. The refreshed course includes new content, videos and activities, as well as a facilitation guide to continue the discussion and learning journey with colleagues.

Land/Territory Acknowledgement
UBC Faculty of Medicine Faculty Development

See: Land/Territory Acknowledgement. Doing a land/territory acknowledgement helps insert an awareness of indigenous presence and land rights in everyday life. This quick guide describes how to create and deliver a digital land/territory acknowledgement and why it is important to promote awareness. Using this resource will also help ensure that making a land/territory acknowledgement is a genuine and meaningful act.

Indigenous-Specific Teaching and Learning Resources

What I Learned in Class Today: Aboriginal Issues in the Classroom
CTLT Indigenous Initiatives

Educational experiences and institutional responses to indigenous engagement in curriculum, pedagogy, and classroom climate at UBC.

Indigenous Foundations
UBC First Nations and Indigenous Studies

An information resource on key topics relating to the histories, politics, and cultures of the Aboriginal peoples of Canada.

UBC-Vancouver Indigenous Portal
First Nations House of Learning

A portal for learning about UBC’s commitment to Indigenous engagement at its Vancouver campus and an information resource for Indigenous students, faculty and the wider community.

Time and Place at UBC: Our Histories and Relations
Centre for Teaching, Learning and Technology

A UBC-Aboriginal Timeline, documenting UBC’s key historical moments with Aboriginal peoples.

Health and Well-Being

The Unforgotten
BUILD. Films and Networked Health

A five-part film exploring the health and well-being of Indigenous peoples living in Canada. The film is accompanied by an educational toolkit. Created by BUILD. Films and Networked Health, with funding and support from the Canadian Medical Association.

Intergenerational Trauma and the Impacts of Colonial History on the Health and Wellbeing of Indigenous People
VCH Aboriginal Health and UBC iCON (Department of Emergency Medicine)

Watch the recording of this virtual Indigenous Health Round with speakers from the UBC School of Nursing: Dr. Elder Roberta Price, an Elder Advisor and Research Partner from the Snuneymuxw and Cowichan Nations, and Dr. Colleen Varcoe, a professor and scholar of Indigenous (Cherokee) and immigrant (English) heritage. Topics discussed: the impacts of historical and ongoing colonialism and racism on the health and wellbeing of Indigenous peoples in Canada, different forms of violence and the pathways of harm including stigma, discrimination, and epigenetics experienced by the Indigenous communities, and how healthcare providers could go beyond self reflection to create culturally and emotionally safe organizations and practices, and contribute to meaningful change in healthcare cultures.

Indigenous Strategic Plan

The Indigenous Strategic Plan: An Overview
UBC Centre for Teaching, Learning and Technology

The Indigenous Strategic Plan (ISP) Implementation Toolkit
Office of Indigenous Strategic Initiatives

UBC units can use this set of tools to help situate themselves in relation to Indigenous engagement and to start aligning their work with the Indigenous Strategic Plan. The Toolkit includes the ISP Self-Assessment Tool, a Performance Measurement Framework, and more.


Truth and Reconciliation Commission of Canada: Calls to Action
Truth and Reconciliation Commission of Canada

In order to redress the legacy of residential schools and advance the process of Canadian reconciliation, the Truth and Reconciliation Commission makes 94 calls to action across a wide range of areas including child welfare, education, health, justice, language and culture.

The UBC Faculty of Medicine Response to the Truth and Reconciliation Commission of Canada Calls to Action
UBC Faculty of Medicine

Reckoning with the Truth, Working Together for a Better Future

In Plain Sight: Addressing Indigenous-specific Racism and Discrimination in B.C. Health Care
Hon. Dr. M.E. Turpel-Lafond (Aki-Kwe) Independent Reviewer

Summary Report | Full Report