The followings are resources that address implementation of anti-oppression lens in the area of medical and health research. These resources include EDI perspectives in research (including clinical trials), anti-racist research approaches, and adopting intersentional lens in research.
Anti-oppression in Research (General)

Library guides
Anti-Racism and Medical Research

Cheung, C. K., Tucker-Seeley, R., Davies, S., Gilman, M., Miller, K. A., Lopes, G., … Lewis, M. A. (2021). A call to action: Antiracist patient engagement in adolescent and young adult oncology research and advocacy. Future Oncology, 17(28), 3743–3756.
Ford, C. L., & Airhihenbuwa, C. O. (2010). The public health critical race methodology: Praxis for antiracism research. Social Science & Medicine, 71(8), 1390–1398.
Jones, R. A., Hirschey, R., Campbell, G., Cooley, M. E., Lally, R., Somayaji, D., … Gullatte, M. M. (2021). Update to 2020-2022 ONS Research Priorities: Rapid Review to Address Structural Racism and Health Inequities through Oncology Nursing Research Agenda. Oncology Nursing Forum, 48(6), 589.
Stein, J. N., Charlot, M., & Cykert, S. (2021). Building Toward Antiracist Cancer Research and Practice: The Case of Precision Medicine. JCO Oncology Practice, 17(5), 273–277.
Anti-oppression in Medical Research

Patient-Centered Outcomes Research: An Approach to Increasing Diversity, Equity, and Inclusive Health
Inclusion of Diverse Participants in Pragmatic Trials Video Collection
Intersectionality and Medical Research

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