
A Tribute to the Honourable Justice Murray Sinclair: Champion of Justice and Reconciliation

A Tribute to the Honourable Justice Murray Sinclair: Champion of Justice and Reconciliation

With deep respect and gratitude, we honour the life and legacy of the Honourable Justice Murray Sinclair, Mazina Giizhik (One Who Speaks of Pictures in the Sky), who passed away on November 4, 2024. Mazina Giizhik’s legacy extends across generations, communities, and sectors, leaving an indelible impact on Indigenous rights, justice reform, and reconciliation in Canada.

Dr. Susan Forwell (left) and Dr. Jon Breen (right) have created virtual interactive workshops to deepen our understanding of disability and inclusion.

Increasing awareness and understanding of disability in the workplace

How a new workshop developed by Dr. Jon Breen and Dr. Susan Forwell is helping to reframe disability and increase inclusion at UBC and beyond.

Deadline Extended

Faculty/Resident Development Initiatives Grant (FRDIG)

The Office of Faculty Development, in partnership with REDI, is offering up to $5,000 in funding to support projects aligned with their mandates in health professions education. Projects must focus on faculty/resident development as teachers and include elements of equity, diversity, inclusion, Indigenization, or decolonization.

REDI Best Practices: Mitigating Cognitive Biases in Awards Adjudication

REDI Best Practices: Mitigating Cognitive Biases in Awards Adjudication

This tip sheet offers practical strategies to help committees mitigate conscious and unconscious cognitive biases, ensuring a fairer and more equitable awards decisions.

REDI Best Practices: Adjudicating Awards through an EDI lens

REDI Best Practices: Adjudicating Awards through an EDI lens

This tip sheet guides you in structuring and refining the awards process through an EDI lens. From encouraging diverse applications and nominations to creating transparent, bias-aware adjudication stages, it provides best practices to ensure fairness at every step.

REDI’s Media List for Dis/Ability Arts

REDI’s Media List for Dis/Ability Arts

The third week of October is Invisible Disabilities Week, a time dedicated to raising awareness of the experiences of people living with invisible disabilities. For medical professionals, developing a deeper understanding of these experiences is crucial for delivering compassionate, patient-centred care. One powerful way to gain that insight is through disability arts. 



Inclusion refers to “the act or practice of including and accommodating people who have historically been excluded (because of their race, gender, sexuality, or ability).”¹ In a workplace context, inclusion is about creating an environment where everyone feels welcomed, valued, respected, and provided with opportunities to flourish, thrive, and succeed. 

Derek Thompson — Čaabať Bookwilla | Suhiltun, Director, Indigenous Engagement

Anchored To All That Is Good

Derek Thompson — Čaabať Bookwilla | Suhiltun, Director, Indigenous Engagement, reflects on family, community and the responsibility passed from one generation to the next.

REDI’s Media List: Indian Residential School Experiences

REDI’s Media List: Indian Residential School Experiences

The National Day for Truth and Reconciliation honours the children who never returned home, and the Survivors of residential schools, their families and communities. We invite you to watch films and documentaries that delve into the experiences of Indian residential schools and reflect on the strength, courage, and resilience of Indigenous peoples.



Reconciliation is an ongoing commitment that requires action from each of us. Learn more about the meaning of reconciliation and concrete actions you can take individually and as a unit or department.